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Fear of Eye Surgery

Fear of Eye Surgery

By Adam Levine

If you are considering vision correction surgery, it’s normal that you feel a bit apprehensive about the procedure. It’s our natural instinct to protect our eyes, so the thought of a laser or blade even approaching this delicate area understandably prompts anxiety or fear in many patients.

At EVO ICL Lens Practices, we have seen first-hand how life-changing vision correction surgery can be. Procedures like EVO ICL Lens, LASIK, and PRK can help our patients free themselves from the hassles of glasses or contact lenses and enjoy clear vision. That said, we’ve also seen our fair share of anxious patients, and each member of our team is dedicated to ensuring that your vision correction experience is as comfortable as possible.

Facts About Vision Correction Surgery

In our experience, many patients’ eye surgery fears have to do with the unknown—an educated patient is far less likely to fear vision correction surgery. To help you feel more comfortable while considering vision correction surgery, we’ve compiled some of the top vision correction surgery fears/myths we have encountered amongst our patients and the facts that help assuage their anxieties.

Fear #1: This is a new and risky procedure.

Actually, the first laser vision correction surgery was performed more than three decades ago, and technological advances have made these procedures low risk. Vision correction surgeries are amongst the most frequently performed procedures, with roughly 800,000 performed each year in the United States.[1] ICL procedures also have a very long, successful, and low-risk history. The first ICL surgeries were performed nearly 30 years ago, in 1993. ICL has been approved in the EU since 1997, and more than 1 million ICLs have been implanted. 99.4% of patients in a survey that have had the EVO ICL procedure said they would have the procedure again.[2] The popularity of these procedures is due in large part to their effectiveness and low risk profile.

Fear # 2: Vision correction surgery is painful.

We will apply anesthetic eye drops before your procedure, so your eyes will be numb. The vast majority of our patients report that the procedure was much easier than they expected, and that they only felt a sensation of pressure for a few moments.

Fear #3: I could mess the procedure up if I blink my eyes.

It is not possible for you to “mess up” your vision correction surgery by blinking. Once your eyes have been fully numbed, your natural urge to blink diminishes. We will also apply a special device that will hold your eyelids open, so blinking will never be an issue you need to worry about.

Fear #4: I don’t like the idea of being awake during eye surgery.

It is natural to feel anxious at the thought of being awake during eye surgery. However, vision correction surgery takes between approximately 15 to 20 minutes per eye, and your eyes will be fully numb for the duration of your procedure. You should feel no pain and will not need to be concerned about not blinking or not moving your eyes, and being awake will allow you to interact with your surgeon, if needed. If you still feel nervous about being awake during your procedure, please let us know: we can give you an oral sedative to help you stay calm and relaxed.

Fear #5: I could go blind after vision correction surgery.

Having concerns about the safety of refractive surgery is normal. While all surgical procedures involve some risk, the US FDA has reviewed the data related to the devices and procedures used for refractive surgery and determined they are reasonably safe and effective. In fact, the risk of losing your vision due to a complication of refractive surgery is less than 1%.[3]

Contact EVO ICL Lens Practices

If you have a fear of eye surgery that is preventing you from pursuing a vision correction procedure, the best thing you can do is be honest about your apprehensions with us. We have guided countless patients through eye surgery, and will take extra care to make sure that you fully understand what you can expect and that you feel calm and comfortable during every step of your procedure. For more information on vision correction surgery, we invite you to contact us today. A friendly member of our team will be happy to help you schedule a consultation with a highly experienced eye doctor so that you can learn more about our practice and the options available to you.